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Support the Run for Research

12 December 2012

The Malaghan Institute is the Official Charity Partner of the 2013 AMI Round the Bays event in Wellington on Sunday 17 February!

As the Official Charity Partner we will be promoted during the lead up to the event and on the day. Anyone who registers to take part can choose to ‘Run for Research’ and fundraise to support the Malaghan Institute.

Run for Research individuals and teams helped raise an incredible $35,000 in the 2012 event, and with your help we are confident that we can reach our $50,000 target for 2013.

Limited AMI Round the Bays Run for Research Entries

The Malaghan Institute had a limited number of 'Run for Research' entries to the 7km event which allow you to take part and support our research. Please note expressions of interest for these entries have now closed.

Join the Run for Research!

If you have already registered for AMI Round the Bays you can raise money to support our research by choosing to ‘Run for Research’ and setting up an online fundraising page at www.runforresearch.co.nz where friends, family and colleagues can sponsor you. It's really easy to do and every dollar counts!



Sponsor someone taking part

If you are unable to take part in this event, you can still show your support by sponsoring someone you know who is ‘Running for Research’, or by sponsoring a Malaghan scientist or staff member who is taking part. Just visit www.runforresearch.co.nz and click on ‘sponsor a friend’ in the top navigation bar.


If you are available on the day (Sunday 17 February 2013), why not join the volunteer group helping make the event possible? To register your interest please email [email protected] with your contact details.


Help spread the word by forwarding this on to your friends, family and colleagues

Please spread the word and help make the Run for Research fundraiser a great success. With your help we can increase awareness of the research being conducted by the Malaghan Institute right here in New Zealand.


Support the Run for Research as "Every Step Brings Us Closer to a Cure"