Ngāti Ranginui, Ngai te Rangi, Ngāti Pukenga, Ngāti Mutunga, Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui
Dr Amohia Boulton is the Director of Whakauae Research Services, a tribally-owned, Indigenous health research centre in Whanganui.
She also holds adjunct positions at the Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington and in the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences at Auckland University of Technology.
Amohia is a member of the Healthier Lives, He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge, Governance Group Kahui Māori, a Board member of Te Kotahi Research Centre, University of Waikato, and a Technical Advisor to the National iwi Chairs’ Forum.
PhD (Massey), MA (Applied), BA (Hons), BA