We want to ensure anyone visiting or working at the Malaghan Institute has a safe and enjoyable experience.
As a research organisation, the Malaghan Institute houses unique and specialised facilities that meet strict health and safety regulations.
Our laboratories are 'PC2' - Physical Containment 2 grade. This means that our scientists routinely work with potentially hazardous materials such as microorganisms, biological material and toxic chemicals. We have safety measures in place to help reduce the risk of contamination or harm while visiting or working at the Institute, but we rely on each and every individual to do their part to ensure both their own safety, and the safety of those around them.
COVID-19 guidelines
Guests, tour groups and visitors
We welcome groups and visitors to the Malaghan by appointment, to see first-hand some of the amazing science we do harnessing the power of the immune system to save lives.
Tour groups, invited guests and visitors DO NOT need a safety induction, but must maintain safe hygiene practises within the labs and stay with their designated guide(s) at all times.
Here's a list of things you need to know BEFORE visiting the Malaghan.
Media, TV and film crews
All media personnel including journalists, camera operators and film crew must read and sign the film crew induction sheet prior to filming at the Malaghan laboratories.
Copies of the media induction checklist are provided at reception when signing in. You can also sign and return a copy of the induction sheet ahead of time to [email protected]. Please include a reference in your email.
Media induction sheet
All contractors working at the Malaghan Institute must be inducted and compliant with health and safety regulations.