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Malaghan Institute finalist in the Wellington Gold Awards

9 May 2014


The Malaghan Institute of Medical Research is a finalist in the Wellington Gold Awards (Cyber Gold category).

Established in 1999, the annual Gold Awards are a showcase of organisational talent and capability and are a way of paying tribute to those who are building our community. 

The Malaghan Institute’s Director, Professor Graham Le Gros says, “We’re delighted. This recognition validates all of our hard work to find better treatments for diseases like cancer and asthma and it reinforces our role in harnessing cutting edge technology to help beat diseases sooner.”

The Cyber Gold Award recognises innovation, leadership and sustained growth in the information sector.

The Malaghan Institute is New Zealand’s leading independent medical research institute. The Institute is focused on improving the quality of life of New Zealanders by harnessing the power of the immune system; the body’s own natural defence against disease.

Professor Graham Le Gros says, “We’ve been part of Wellington for almost 50 years and our goal has remained constant, to develop better treatments for people with diseases like cancer, asthma and allergic diseases. Like the Gold Awards, we’ve grown in reputation and outcomes. But this award is not about us. Patients need better solutions, fast. That's what we're aiming for.

“Modern medicine and technology are inseparable. The story of medical progress at the Malaghan Institute is one of excellence in technology. We use world–leading techniques like laser analysis of cells using Flow Cytometry to help accelerate the pace of our research.

“Our combination of knowledge, experience and technology creates the platform for success. In 2013 our achievements included the discovery of a unique type of immune cell in the skin, which impacts the development of allergic skin disease; the start of our Phase 1 clinical trial of a melanoma cancer immunotherapy and being part of global Cancer Immunotherapy effort recently recognised by the internationally renowned journal Science as the worldwide Scientific Breakthrough of 2013.

“We are particularly delighted to be recognised by the Gold Awards as it helps us demonstrate to our thousands of supporters throughout New Zealand that their generosity will help us beat diseases sooner. Medical research is challenging, but thanks to the support of people and organisations throughout New Zealand this is an era of great promise for immunotherapy."



For all enquiries please contact:

James Araci, National Development Manager, on 04 499 6914 ext 855, or by email [email protected].


About the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research

The Malaghan Institute of Medical Research is New Zealand’s leading vaccine and immunology research institute and is based at Victoria University of Wellington’s Kelburn campus. The Institute operates independently and is a charitable trust. Researchers at the Malaghan Institute are focused on developing innovative ways to harness the strength and potency of the immune system, the body’s own natural defence against disease, to treat cancer, asthma and allergy, arthritis and multiple sclerosis.