15 December 2015
On Sunday 13th December an article was featured in the Sunday Star Times concerning new immune treatments for cancer.
During the course of this article several claims were made regarding the work of the Malaghan Institute in this field. We would like to provide clarification around some of those points; in particular:
- Currently Keytruda is the best treatment. Although we are making good scientific progress we do not yet have a proven cancer immunotherapy for patients.
- All of our clinical trials to date have been for cell - based therapies, which differ significantly from the new synthetic vaccine being developed by Avalia Immunotherapies.
- The synthetic vaccine referred to in the article, being developed by Avalia Immunotherapies,is not currently in clinical trial.
- Avalia Immunotherapies was formed as a result of a research collaboration between the Ferrier Institute (Victoria University of Wellington) and the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research.
For further information, please contact [email protected]