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Visiting speakers Professor Marcel and A/Professor Claudia Nold

11 April 2018

Professor Marcel and associate professor Claudia Nold, from Monash University – Hudson Institute of Medical Research in Australia visited the Malaghan Institute this week to talk about their work in immunology. 

Prof Marcel, a clinician-scientist, paediatrician and neonatologist presented his talk on “Interventional Immunology for Early Life Diseases” and how his research aims to develop novel treatment strategies for the largely unmapped frontier of neonatal immunology.

Following Prof Marcel’s talk, associate prof Claudia spoke of her related work in cytokine biology. A/prof Claudia is investigating novel immunotherapeutic avenues to help relieve infants suffering from necrotising enterocolitis – a severe intestinal disease of preterm infants.

It was a great opportunity to engage with both these scientists on how their work might provide greater insight into the current research conducted at the Malaghan Institute.