16 July 2010
Hope is a powerful, emotive word that holds different meaning to different people. For the scientists at the Malaghan Institute, it is the belief that through quality basic research we can cure diseases such as cancer, asthma, arthritis and tuberculosis.
By supporting basic research you are investing in hope - hope that there are other options out there for those afflicted by disease, hope that these treatments will not have adverse effects on the lives of those receiving them and, most importantly, the hope that our scientists will find a cure.
In this issue of Scope we highlight the Malaghan Institute's vaccine programme as an example of basic research that is successfully making its way into the clinic and get cancer patient, Kathryn Williams', perspective on how this work is providing hope to cancer sufferers. We also introduce the Institute's new state-of-the-art Keith and Faith Taylor Cancer Research Laboratories and speak with a member of the Auckland Friend's about the personal reasons behind her decision to volunteer for the Malaghan Institute.