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Scientists join forces at Parliament

1 August 2012


Associate Professor Ian Hermans speaking at health presentation at Parliament

On Tuesday 31 July 2012, the Malaghan Institute was represented alongside The University of Otago and The University of Auckland in a joint presentation to Parliament.  The purpose of which was to raise awareness amongst Government decision makers of the important cancer research being undertaken right here in New Zealand.

The evening was hosted by Health Minister Tony Ryall and comprised of short presentations from New Zealand cancer researchers, including our own Associate Professor Ian Hermans

Assoc Prof Hermans spoke about the Malaghan Institute’s progress towards the development of a cancer vaccine, while Mr Martin Hunn, a Neurosurgeon and Malaghan Institute Clinical Research Fellow, presented a poster on how the cancer vaccine could be used to support the treatment of patients with glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive brain tumour.

The event highlighted the vital contribution New Zealand researchers are making to improving the lives of cancer patients - reinforcing the value of government investment in health research.