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Our Everyday Hero looks forward to spending Christmas Day with her grandmother

21 October 2013

Malinda Wynyard hopes that in her lifetime a cure for at least some forms of cancer can be found, or a treatment that doesn’t so horrifically damage the patients it is supposed to help. Her family has had their fair share of cancer. Currently her beloved grandmother is suffering from a second bout, this time inoperable.

On Christmas Day, 2013 Malinda will be shaving off her hair, and hopes that her grandmother will be able to remove the first strip knowing that something is being done to help anyone who has suffered like she has.

Malinda says she chose to donate the money raised to the Malaghan Institute because it is an independent New Zealand institution that leads the way in cancer research as well as other widespread serious diseases.

“This institute is funded by a variety of charities in New Zealand, so I am skipping the middle man and going direct to the source of the research which ensures that as much of the money as possible is going directly into the cancer research fund”.

To find out more visit www.everydayhero.co.nz/malinda

This article features in the November 2013 issue of our Scope newsletter (Issue 52).  Download the full newsletter here - 611 KB (PDF)