To celebrate the establishment of an immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence core facility at the Malaghan Institute, thanks to the support of the Hugh Green Foundation, we held an inaugural IHC and immunofluorescence photo competition - the winning images from which are displayed below.
Access to this new technological platform, which includes a cryostat, will enable our researchers to better understand how their target cells function in context of their local environment.
1st place - SIRT1 and Mitochondria in Love. SIRT1 (red), mitochondrial marker (blue); scale bar 30 um. Image created by Susanna Brow
2nd place - Immune Compartments of the Spleen. B cells (green), CD4 T cells (red), DAPI counterstain (blue), scale bar 100 um. Image created by Sabine Kuhn.
3rd place - The Twilight Zone. T cells (CD3, red) and Marginal Metallophilic Macrophages (CD169, purple), scale bar 200 um. Image created by Taryn Osmond.
We would like to acknowledge BD and Olympus for sponsoring this competition.