19 September 2011

The First New Zealand Antiques Roadshow is an event being organised by the Wairarapa Friends of the Malaghan Institute. Campbell Moon, antiques dealer & accredited valuer, is the event coordinator and has organised what promises to be a fantastic, one-off event for antique lovers everywhere!

Experts available during the two day event will come from across the North Island. It will be the first time in New Zealand that so many Antiques experts will be available to appraise and objectively value items in their various specialty categories.

The event will be held at the Tauherenikau Racecourse on 15 & 16 October, 10.00am - 3.30pm daily.

Entry is $10pp (under 12 free) and fully accredited valuations are available from just $20 per item.

All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Malaghan Institute.

View the event brochure

View the event poster